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Catherine Lawrence

Catherine Lawrence


Toronto, Ontario

Humor is serious business. That’s a phrase you’ll often hear from Catherine Lawrence, a lawyer-turned-humorist who left corporate law to make people laugh. Put a microphone in her hand, give her an audience, and she’s off. Her audiences include everyone from students to legal firms, corporations to associations. She’s looking for people who want to, need to laugh. 

Her philosophy? You must have a sense of humor to survive and thrive. In 2006, Catherine was diagnosed with LAM, a rare lung disease, which is no laughing matter. Despite this new diagnosis, Catherine was intent on tackling her disease with her signature sense of humour, and she's doing so with a hearty laugh. Catherine has beaten the odds of her prognosis and believes that the power of laughter is helping to save her life. Here she is, 17 years later, sharing some of the laughs that are a part of her healing journey. 

She wants to help you harness the all-encompassing benefits of laughter. Being hit with a life-threatening disease, her relationship with laughter went even deeper, with a greater understanding of how the power of laughter applies at work, at life, and in physical health. 

She has written 6 books in the Survival of The Funniest series which were published on Kindle in 2023. They are full of laughter, humorous life stories, hilarious anecdotes, inspiring quotations, and pathways to happiness. Catherine's designation is Chief Laughter Officer, and she invites you to join her on her laughter journey.

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